July 23, 2009


It feels like every conversation these days starts with this subject. I'll lay it out for you now. No, I don't have a job. Yes I recognize that having a job is necessary to be a productive member of society. Yes I understand that living off mom and dad like a parasite with nothing to show of it at this age is not healthy, especially because it entitles my mom to have too much input on my life to date. Yes I have been applying for jobs and following up. No I'm not willing to move anywhere for any job (Yes I know this limits me...I'm doing it on purpose). Yes living/moving/deciding based on another person is a recipe for disaster. I know all of these things, and yet here I am.

I have a post graduate degree and I am unemployed. Every time I get close the job opportunity seems to slip through my fingers. "Here's THE lead! I'm so excited, I'm going to get this job," aaand....nothing. Again. And again. And again. How in the holyhell can this be so hard?

It doesn't help that I've literally be a student since I was 4 years old. I don't even know if I know how to work. My uncle passed on this little pearl of wisdom over the week: it's called 'work' because it's not play, and you get payed to do it because you won't do it for free. He also told me that you do what makes you the most money so that you can afford to do the fun things you loooove to do. That's a different picture of 'career' than I got on graduation day (all three of them). However, this uber-cynical point of view is oddly refreshing. A job's a job. That's all. It doesn't have to be life defining. I can make a difference outside of my job if I want to, if I work for it. I'm still going for the ideal, and that keeps me from some options, but knowing what he told me makes me feel a little less guilty if I end up taking the job that doesn't match the ideal.

And anyway, I can do pretty much anything for a year.

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