March 15, 2010

More Like "P.T. Loser"

I'm not going to say I'm the worlds greatest driver. I have my share of, "oops, didn't see you there" moments. My bumper has a couple of war wounds from losing battles with walls. In addition, although this tends to be a bad combination, I get a little aggressive in traffic. I usually limit my frustrated reaction to the inside of my car.

All that being said, I'm a fairly conscientious driver. I learned to drive with a lot of other people on the road, I know how to merge, I do a good job paying attention. Minor blips aside, I'm safe to be around on the road.

However, today I did not make a new friend on the road. In fact, I got called a "bitch" and flipped off by a 75 year old man driving a periwinkle P.T. Cruiser.


Let's recap the situation shall we?

I was in a lane that was ending and needed to merge into the lane that continued to go straight. I looked in my rear view mirror and had room, so I merged. Next thing I know the car behind me is flashing his lights at me like it wants to moonlight as a strobe in a nightclub. I'm trying NOT to be so distracted by this that I drive off the road, when I realize lanes to my right have opened up but the lane I am in is ending (it's a convertible center lane across a bridge). The Flasher gets over before I have a chance to, speeds up to trap me in the middle of the bridge and then just as I get a glimpse of his silvery hair passing me, yells "BITCH" out his window. Then, once I was behind him, he flips me the bird. Now--we're driving down city streets, so the lights keep us close together. I end up in the lane on his right. The old Cooter rolls down his passenger side window and continues to yell at me every time he gets next to me.

Two things I wish I'd done:

1. Rolled my window down and 'sincerely' apologized. Honestly, I don't think I did anything wrong, and I don't know what his deal was. Still, I wonder what he would have said or done if I'd just said, "I'm sorry sir, I didn't think was cutting you off. I apologize for making you nervous or angry."

2. Blown him a kiss mid-rant.

I have to say, this was the first time I've ever been sworn at by a septuagenarian.

Then again, I might be angry too if I was driving a lavender P.T. Cruiser.

March 09, 2010

Let's talk about blogslacking

I kind of love the way I can make a new word out of anything if I just put "blog" before or after it.

I was just trying to type up a bunch of examples, but my brain is mushy at the moment.

So I'll go on to say that I slacked off last week. I didn't even read any of my regular blogs because I felt guilty opening up my dashboard knowing I had no intention to add something to mine.

It's not like I haven't had anything to say since the last time I wrote. Really, exciting things are happening at work and at home. I just end up with this brain mush situation by the time I get to the computer. Then I want to play mindless games like Peggle (Ridiculously addictive game. Run if you still have a chance.) and Spider Solitaire on 'easy,' and watch my favorite shows, the bachelor, and teen mom (both of which have just gone off the air...the day before my return to my blog...coincidence?). Luckily I now have the second season of 16 and Pregnant to keep me company. Let's talk about ungrateful 16 year olds who get pregnant and then think it's their mom's job to take care of the baby while they act like, well, 16 year olds. Is anyone surprised by this amazing cycle?

So here I am, tired, and mushbrained, and feeling old. (My little brother turns 21 next week. 2-freakin-1. I can take my baby brother to the bar with me. That's enough to make anyone feel old.) And I'm blogweary <-- see how that works. I don't even have a good excuse like "I need a mental break for health reasons," or "I'll be without internet in Zimbabwe for 2 weeks while I build huts with twine and palm fronds." Nope, I just blogslacked my way into oblivion.

I said that I didn't make a New Years resolution, per se, so I'm not feeling all guilty about that. Actually, I don't usually feel all that bad when I break a New Years resolution, but this way I don't have to pretend.

All that to say: I'm back. For at least the next couple of weeks consistently.