March 09, 2010

Let's talk about blogslacking

I kind of love the way I can make a new word out of anything if I just put "blog" before or after it.

I was just trying to type up a bunch of examples, but my brain is mushy at the moment.

So I'll go on to say that I slacked off last week. I didn't even read any of my regular blogs because I felt guilty opening up my dashboard knowing I had no intention to add something to mine.

It's not like I haven't had anything to say since the last time I wrote. Really, exciting things are happening at work and at home. I just end up with this brain mush situation by the time I get to the computer. Then I want to play mindless games like Peggle (Ridiculously addictive game. Run if you still have a chance.) and Spider Solitaire on 'easy,' and watch my favorite shows, the bachelor, and teen mom (both of which have just gone off the air...the day before my return to my blog...coincidence?). Luckily I now have the second season of 16 and Pregnant to keep me company. Let's talk about ungrateful 16 year olds who get pregnant and then think it's their mom's job to take care of the baby while they act like, well, 16 year olds. Is anyone surprised by this amazing cycle?

So here I am, tired, and mushbrained, and feeling old. (My little brother turns 21 next week. 2-freakin-1. I can take my baby brother to the bar with me. That's enough to make anyone feel old.) And I'm blogweary <-- see how that works. I don't even have a good excuse like "I need a mental break for health reasons," or "I'll be without internet in Zimbabwe for 2 weeks while I build huts with twine and palm fronds." Nope, I just blogslacked my way into oblivion.

I said that I didn't make a New Years resolution, per se, so I'm not feeling all guilty about that. Actually, I don't usually feel all that bad when I break a New Years resolution, but this way I don't have to pretend.

All that to say: I'm back. For at least the next couple of weeks consistently.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Adding "Blog" to any existing word to make a new word is totally the best thing ever, except when you say one in real-life and people look at you like you live in your computer and have 80 cats you feed Life cereal.

As for blog-slacking.. I totally am guilty. School is incredibly demanding, and then I went on vacation. Sometimes I blog because I'm avoiding work.. I never really have time too, but meh!

You can blogslack a little bit, but don't ever go to far. I would be sad. I always think you have interesting things to say!