November 09, 2010

No Thanks, I'm Just Going To Whine About It For A Minute

You know what blows? Growing up. (When I answer my own questions, it should denote frustration.)

So, here's the big news: I'm finishing my VISTA in mere hours. It's been a whole year since I moved to this crazy-rat-race-city (O.K. not so much rat-racy. I keep reminding people, if your tires are rolling you're not really stuck in traffic) after 7.5 years of living in college towns. I have friends. I have been hired for another job. I have an apartment. My life is changing so fast it's practicially a blur, the futures so bright I have to wear shades, insert-another-cliche-here.

You know what I wish would move a little faster? Obamacare.

Because I will be a (warning, adjectives ahead) fully-employed, full-time, punching a clock, respectfully salaried, tax-paying individual who will still have to pay $604 PER MONTH for a full-coverage health plan.

That's easily mis-read. Hell, I thought it that was a yearly premium. So I will type it again.

Six Hundred Four Dollars.
American Dollars.
Per Month.
Through. My. Employer.

At roughly $18 an hour that's nearly a week's worth of work. Oh, and there's still a co-pay. And a deductible. Seriously?

I'm not hating on my employer-to-be. The poor HR person had to break the news to me that number wasn't a yearly premium. I am, however, hating on this ridiculousness. After a year of "living in poverty" (read: thank you, Dad) I have really had to think about what I'm willing to spend money on. Health insurance is something I'm not willing to live without. This new salary is a fabulous increase and will provide a very comfortable living little old me. However, If I was a single mother of two, it would put me dangerously close to the poverty line. Also, the cost to cover myself and my two children would hover near $1500. That's almost HALF of my salary.

I don't have a magic bullet for the healthcare/health insurance industry. I wish I did, I'd be rolling in it. (And then I wouldn't give any of this a second thought I would still think about this though, because VISTA told taught me to.) I do absolutely understand why people live without health insurance. I understand why people walk out on hospital bills. I'm talking about productive people, who put in 40+ hours a week. Because: $604 per month? Per person? Are you freakin' kidding me?

In other, funnier, news:

I sat for two little guys a couple of weeks ago, right before Halloween. The 4-year-old told me he was going to be a "Maple Leaf Pirate" for Halloween.

It took me at least 5 minutes to figure out that he either (a.) said, or (b.) meant, "Make-Believe" Translating for preschoolers, it's what I do.

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