September 15, 2009

Falling Into Place (Update: Or Not)

Update: I am not nearly as positive now (at 4:55 pm) as I was when I wrote this this morning. I found out some things about the space that are less than appealing. (Take for instance that the "studio apartment" is a room with a bathroom--ugh.) Luckily I have my dad to keep me somewhat stable. Trying to picture it as a cheap hotel until I find something that will work better. General sentiment now: UGH!

Two days ago I had a job offer (with no pay - to start off) in a new town, and nowhere to live with a very tight budget to find something. Today I have a place to live, well within my budget, and all on my own! Let me explain that by saying, I have lived alone for the last 3 years so having a roommate, or being a roommate, wasn't exciting to me.

I got the place through M's dad. I told him that I truly couldn't have done this without him. He just looked at me, like always, and said, "I'll do anything I can, anything my dad can, to help you." Then he said that maybe this experience will help me understand his life a little bit better, at least the fact that I had to wait and let things fall into place. I laughed and said that this is not my typical life strategy. I'm not the best planner and I love to procrastinate, but I don't like the unknown. Especially when the unknown is something important -- like say, a roof over my head. I really had to just hope things would work out on this one. I was as proactive as I could be, and then things were in someone else's hands. Lo and Behold, it worked out. I told my dad I just needed some mini-sign that I was doing the right thing. Here it is.

So, all this to say, I have a new place to live in my soon-to-be new city. Now, if I could just get used to the idea of not seeing M whenever I want...

1 comment:

Courtney said...

A new city!? That's exciting, and scary. I've always wanted to take off to a random city, get a job, live, meet all new people. But it's a frightening thing. I'm sure your overwhelmed but try to stay positive! :)