September 21, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me

I turn 25 in two days and I have a birthday present request.

If you graduated from high school the same year as me, please do not have a baby.

I am so so so not ready for my peers to be having babies. COME ON. Not only are we in the prime of our lives, ready to experience and do and meet and go out and have fun, but for Christ's sake(!) we're in the middle of a horrific financial depression! Are you not watching the news? People everywhere are losing their jobs. I have a dual bachelors degree and an advanced degree and am going to be working a less-than-minimum wage job. Hello?! Not a good time to have a kid. Those of you in military relationships are somewhat excused from this rant just because you have a fairly guaranteed job at the moment. You're only somewhat excused because I still think having a kid right now is silly. And you're freaking me out because I'm nowhere close to having a kid (I feel the need to add, "Thank God," to this comment).

I had a plan to write out some sappy, "25 things I want to learn in the next year," or, "25 things I learned over the last year," etc. But facebook baby pictures and announcements slapped me in the brain when I logged on, so I ranted instead. Maybe I'll get around to that sappy one between now and Thursday. Eh.

(Disclaimer: If you consider yourself my friend and found & are reading this somehow...I don't mean you, obviously! I think it's awesome that you two are having a baby.)


Drew said...

Haha! I love that we both posted similar posts! It's pretty crazy! Just for the record I'm 23 and my FB page is COVERED in sonogram pictures, baby pictures, status updates along the line of "so and so is feeling icky Baby g needs to stop jumping on my liver!".

ENOUGH people.

Oh well, I suppose some people are at the point and others like us aren't. Personally, I would like to have my first kid in my twenties but probably past 25... I'm not sure two years is going to change my mindset right now!

Courtney said...

LOL. I love your request. I'm younger than you and these effing crazies are poppin kids out.. like HELLO? Anyway... Happy Birthday!!