November 16, 2009

1 Day, 2 Posts!

On a lighter note, I had a very interesting cultural experience this weekend.

Have you ever been to a baptism that got broken up by the cops? Because I have.

Have you ever been to a baptism that looked like this:

Because I have.

Would you believe that this was a baptism for 1 year old twin girls?

Here they are in all their cake-eating glory:

My aunt is really involved with the Mexican community in her town in middle TN. She takes the (legal) children back and forth to see their grandparents in Mexico, because their parents cannot. She's God-mother to so many of them even SHE can't keep it straight! And she translates for me when I have no idea what is happening. (Which is pretty often. Anyone have the Spanish Rosetta Stone they would like to share?) Let me tell you, when it comes to parties for the kids, there are no limits! The DJ they had at this show had a more impressive light rack than the Rock of Love tour. (Disclaimer: I did not go to a Rock of Love tour concert, so I'm just assuming. I did have an unhealthy interest in the show, however.)

What. an. experience.

[Apologies for the picture quality, they were taken with my cell phone.]

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