November 16, 2009

Let's Talk About Stress, Baby

This is a pretty common topic for me. If I could make a living off of worry, I'd be a bajillionaire That's somewhere between a quadrillion and a umptillion, if you were wondering. I'm in a strange lull of my own stress and am currently worried about others who are feeling that elephant on their chest. It should be easier for me to recognize it in others, but I seem to have a hard time. So tell me, the three of you who leave me comments regularly, do you freak out? How does your stress run it's course? How do you solve it? I'm looking for pointers for me to use in the future (because I know that no matter how smooth my plateau feels, it'll come back around eventually) and for me to share.

Here's my usual cycle (although you could probably figure it out from my series of past posts):

1. Do anything but think about whatever problems are weighing on me.

2. Totally freak out. Hide in my apartment for a couple of days (way easier when living alone).

3. Take one of two courses of action:

A: Cycle back to step 1.
B: Solve something. (Usually the most minor problem first, then work through the others as I build my confidence.)

Does that sound familiar? Foreign? I'm interested in how everyone solves their "I'm-totally-overwhelmed-and-I-don't-know-where-to-start-making-this-better" moments.

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