January 13, 2010

Counting the Minutes

I walked out of work today and almost drove 2.5 hours (only to have to drive it BACK the next morning) for a hug. Yep. One hug.

Because sometimes you just need one to set the world back on it's axis.

Even though I'm fine on my own. Seriously.

Even though I know it'll all be fine, because I'll work it out.

My awesome college roommate got married young. Verrrry young by some counts, particularly the other kids at our prestigious college. All of us girls were supposed to go out and be independent and take on the world (or at least the Fortune 500 companies) and never want to get married. We joked about "those others schools" with girls just out to get their "MRS." degree. I'll admit. I love her to death, and I knew she got it from enough places other than me, so I kept my mouth shut about how confused I was about her wanting to get married.

Then one day she came home and said, "Everyone keeps asking me, 'don't you want to go to Europe? Don't you want to do this-and-that?' YES I want to do all that, but I want to do it with him."

I didn't get it then, not totally. I'm definitely the kind of person who learns from experience (read: from my mistakes, and not always the first time). Hey, KT, I get it.

I can't wait to get on the road. Even though I don't love to drive.

Is it Friday yet?

1 comment:

Courtney said...

That's a very interesting tale about your friend. As I feel like that sometimes, I'm 21 and am the only one of my friends who has a very serious boyfriend. But, I hope you've been well and YES! It is Friday :)