January 05, 2010

It's TOO Cold

It was 15 degrees when I left for work this morning. Listen, Mother Nature, none of us here in the mid-south are equipped to deal with below freezing temperatures for a week. Here are some things that it's too cold to do & the times that I did them--because I think it's too far past the holidays to write a drawn out description:

Wait for a table for an hour while sitting next to the front door that keeps opening for new people who HAVE reservations & get seated right away. (Christmas Eve)

Stay in a hotel that doesn't have heat in the bathroom. (Christmas Day)

Hang out in a big empty house that has the heat turned way down and no comfortable chairs. (Weekend between Christmas and New Years)

Drive with the windows down. (New Years Eve to keep me awake on the drive to see M)

Be out after dark. (Pretty much every day over the last two weeks)

Drink a whole banana milkshake. (Saturday Night)

Take the Christmas decorations down. (Heh, Success! Lights & tree still ablaze as of January 5th)

Do anything but be curled up under a warm blanket with warms socks and a warm sweater. (Monday & Tuesday & every other weekday until it warms up above 32 for more than 24 hours in a row)

Good news? It's supposed to snow Friday, and the word on the street is this town shuts down for 2 inches of snow.

P.S. My new HP and this game are my excuse for not doing anything productive around my house since the day after Christmas.

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