April 24, 2010


Having lived in a valley for the last 7 years or so, I have come to hate rain. It never just showers for a couple of hours when you live in a valley. Nope, too easy. In a valley, the sky turns gray for a few hours, then it starts to sprinkle. The sprinkle turns into a full fledged downpour. The downpour turns into a miserable mist/intermittent drizzle that lasts for days. Days. Simply? It sucks. Makes you cherish the sunny days.

It's been sunny for two straight weeks. Not so much as a decent rain since early April. Maybe even late March. I can't remember the last time I smelled warm wet asphalt, so it must have been cold the last time it rained.

Today when I heard the rumble of thunder off in the distance I grinned. Rain. Finally.

I'm not a farmer (I can't even keep silk flowers alive), so it's not like I'm worried about my crops. But, running the risk of sounding like a touchy-feely-new-ager, water is life. It refreshes. Cleanses.

The next time I feel like complaining about rain, I'm going to try to keep these things in mind:

1. Rain gets rid of the pollen that makes me miserable.
2. I don't have to wash my car when it rains.
3. Thunderstorm are awesome sleep-sound machines.
4. Tomatoes.
5. Tempers 80 degree weather. And Humidity. 80 degree weather in April is a little overwhelming. In addition, Humidity in the south is a real, major, issue. And it always demands a capital "H."

So maybe I'll suffer through the hair frizzies today. And be okay getting soaked walking from my car to the door. I missed the rain...gasp!

P.S. The title is the punchline to this joke that I love:

If April showers bring May flowers,
What do May flowers bring?


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