April 21, 2010

Well, Well, Well...Look who we have here.

I had this resolution that I was going to slow down in my daily life. Take stock in each moment and pay attention as time goes by. I fully intended to take time out and write more frequently.

Now it's almost May--beats me how the hell that happened. And the last time I posted was 16 days ago.

This is unacceptable.

I'm having a little 'nothing interesting to report' writers block. That probably stems from the fact that 1) I'm not a writer, and 2) I have nothing interesting to report. My day-to-day is about the same, with a little more math thrown in for good measure. My weekends are spent in transit, gradually getting more worried about my car as my dad asks "how's your car holding up?" every couple of days. I have a few more real friends here in town. Actually, a friend from my growing-up days just moved to the area and looked me up. I'm putting effort into it and it's working, shocker! Nice people are everywhere you just have to seek them out!

There are some exciting things in the days to come, maybe I can write about them.

I'm going to the Predators playoff game tomorrow night and I'm PSYCHED. My seats are AWESOME and we get $10 food vouchers. Gotta love $200 worth of playoff hockey for free. If you're not a hockey person (don't worry I live in the south, most of these people only watch football and the Atlanta Braves) you probably don't understand the difference between the season and playoff hockey. This is 'season 2.' And so far, the Preds are hanging in there, much to everyone's surprise. We're up one game on Chicago going into tomorrow night. This is AMAZING. I'm personally looking forward to raining down the hateful chants on the Blackhawks' Goalie, Huet. It might not be nice, but it's hockey. People lose teeth.

I'm making the long drive east again this weekend, but it means going to see Disney's Ocean on opening weekend (yay) see the boy play some music (double yay) and all of that will start with an early day out of work on Friday (triple yay).

Last week couldn't have gone more slowly, but this week is flying by! I like it.

My house is mostly clean, I'm doing my laundry, and the closet has been de-cluttered. Maybe I'm turning over yet another leaf. Maybe I'll find the resolution to maintain MY resolution under this one.

Remember when you were a kid and secretly hoped all the time that your homework would do itself? And even though you knew it never would, you never quite gave up hope that one day, one day you would come home and that whole math worksheet would have filled itself out in your backpack? Well, I kind of feel like that now, only I was kind of wishing that my life would do itself. I mean, I know it will keep going, regardless of my level of participation, but I wish I could at least have a little preview to what I'm working towards, just know how that 'it'll all work out" stage has worked out.

That might help me slow down.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I agree! You SHOULD write more. Don't always think you have to have an interesting event to blog about, just a small random thought will do. Sometimes I feel the same way.. and get so busy, I go for a week without updating. Oops. Oh well.

Hockey? I love the Pens!! Hockey is great though, going to the games is the best. RIT's only D1 sport is hockey, so we really get crazy over it, here.

I also want life to do itself. Things get so overwhelming, and chores and work are just so boring and redundant. Blah!