October 28, 2009

Charlie Brown

Tonight there was way to much competition for my attention in terms of Halloween TV. I had to pick between Hocus Pocus, some real scary movie (like Halloween XVII) or It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. Of course, when I saw that last one, it wasn't even a contest.

I love the Charlie Brown specials, all of them. Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown is obviously a classic. But, the Great Pumpkin is my favorite. Mostly because I am Linus, sitting in the pumpkin patch all night. I am that kid whose imagination carries them away, whose optimism is undaunted. Maybe that's why I love Halloween so much, because isn't that what it's all about?

I get that, for my age group, Halloween is all about the sexy factor. This bothers some people. I'm not going to hate on sexy costumes because: (1) been there & done that and (2) really, as long as you're over 18 and under 400 el-bees, what's wrong with showing a little leg on Halloween? It goes along with the whole pretending thing. That being said, I truly appreciate a well-thought-out, homemade costume. My affection for a self construction probably dates back to the days where my mom handmade my incredible Halloween costumes. I was Maid Marian when I was about 9 (that costume lasted years in the dress up bin). I was a Bobby Soxer in the 5th grade (that one was so awesome it got borrowed/stolen a couple years later). When I was 14 (that's right, my mom made my costume when I was in the 9th grade) I was a gypsy and my mom sewed handkerchiefs together to make a skirt for me. Who wouldn't love Halloween when it came with things like that?

And did I mention I love candy? And scary movies? And haunted houses? And carving pumpkins?

I just spent 25 minutes looking for my favorite Halloween book online, signed up for a trial membership of Amazon Prime to save on shipping, and mailed it to M. Just spreading the spooky love!

This is it, The Candy Witch. It's not in print anymore, but if you've ever read it I'm sure it's stuck with you (if just for the scene with the lemonade fountains and candy filling the town square. Just remember, if you find a little bit of candy in your pocket, it was probably this little witch!

This weekend I plan to do all things Halloween, and drag M along with me. I'm using this to get into the spirit. Also, I plan on being in costume, even if I'm the only one!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Charlie Brown! Ugh missed it last night.. but DID catch Hocus Pocus! Homemade costumes are the best.. I refuse to pay 50 dollars for a bagged slutty costume that only covers nips and bottom. Seriously, it's gross. My costume will be a tad bit scandalous.. but at least it's my own creation: Lady Gaga. Anyways.. post pictures of yours :) !!! Happy Halloween