August 12, 2009


I love going to the grocery store at midnight. It's awesome. At my local Krog that's when they put out the fresh produce (Strawberries for 1.88!). There are no cutesy shopping-for-dinner-together couples who make me want to barf (even though I've been party to this). Also, I think that's when the nicest people work. Three people asked me if I need any help, and two offered to take my basket for me when I was done with it.
I hate it when they're out of one of the 7 basics I need. This means I have to go back the next day. Out of Skim Milk this time, boo. I get that it's shelf restocking time, but come on. Pull the old stuff and stock the new stuff - right away. How hard is that?

1 comment:

Courtney said...

Don't they know if someone gets sick they're going to get their ass sued? That's gross. I'm going to be checking expiration dates before I buy anything!