August 18, 2009

Midnight Krog, Part II

Yesterday I drove to Nashville (and back) to look for a place to live. After 12 solid hours in the car, I was deliriously tired. Not to mention still apartment-less. My poor legs were so swollen, I had to take a nice bubble bath just to calm down my joints. M came over after work and brought Madea Goes to Jail (so funny! Tyler Perry is hilarious.), and a bottle of red wine. Yeah, he knows me. Halfway through the movie, which was paused several times because we haven't had much facetime lately, he looks at me and says, "I'm hungry." If you know M, you know he's not really hungry all that often, but when he is, he means business! After a quick review (read: veto) of my cabinets, I said, "well, Kroger is open 24 hours." This is what we (he) bought:

Yesm, we did buy 2 bags of Tostitos. AND Cheetos. Carb-fest 09. Also, who would have thought the Krog at midnight on a Monday would be prime people-watching time? We saw six sorority girls in matching t-shirts carying a case of Miller Chill & piling into one small suv. We saw two groups of 19 year old fraternity guys, who were clearly underage and just hoping their horrible fakes would work better on the third-shifters (they did). On the way out of the grocery store we heard, and then saw, one guy yelling at nothing and throwing half-full cans of coke at the ground. Eventful.

M made two packs of ramen, and ate them straight out of the pot. I made rotel (a southern staple) and we both commented repeatedly that we should put it away, while dipping yet another chip. And we laughed. The whole time.

I love you, Midnight Krog.

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