August 20, 2009

Reunited And It Feels So Good

This weekend I'm driving up to my old college stomping ground, Charlottesville, Va., to see my one of my very best friends, Mieke. My 1st year roommate & all around confidant is in the country for two weeks (she lives in Belgium now) and I was absolutely determined to see her! I'm beyond excited. I know we all have those relationships where distance and time really have no effect. This is one of those.

I told all of my friends from high school that I just knew my roommate would be some tall blonde who the boys fell all over. I was right, she's 6'1", beautifully blonde, not to mention foreign...What I didn't expect was how strong our connection would be. We lived together again the summer after 3rd year, before she moved back to Europe, and I've been waiting for her to come "home" ever since. I miss her all the time. But it is an amazing feeling to know that I have someone like her out there. If I needed her, she would be on the first plane, expenses be damned, and she knows I would do the same. We've been through everything together from the little things (general college stress) to the medium things (major break-ups) to the big things. You don't really know someone until you live with them, but I got to know her by living with her. I was one of those lucky ones who gained a forever-friend out of the random roommate drawing (thanks, UVA).

I'm also psyched about spending three days in Cville (the happiest place on earth). I'm bringing M back a t-shirt, it's about time he get inducted into this part of my life!


Courtney said...

Awe sounds great! Have fun :)

Mel said...

It was great, and I did have fun! Thanks :)